
4.6 earthquake strikes near San Antonio

4.6 earthquake strikes near San Antonio felt the earthquake this morning around 7:20. I was sitting on my love seat in my bedroom reading my Bible. I felt a swaying movement. My husband was in the shower. He felt nothing, Patricia Hardeman, of southeast San Antonio told WOAI. lived in California most of my life and knew it was an earthquake. Marshal Fernie Karl. There will be a so strong earthquake, that it will separate the United States into two territories. The separation border, will be the MISSISSIPPI river. And this event will occur very soon!!!!. There are already several quakes hitting the USA continental in land and it is One strong, destructive and MONSTER quake will hit the USA, right in its center. And with the time, several other quakes will hit the planet at the same time. Be aware, that the melted ice from the glaciers and poles, are holding the plate tectonic movements. And the more melted ice, the more quakes will hit the planet, until the day when one planetary quake will hit the planet as a whole.

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